Monday, July 20, 2009

Kritik Terhadap Lord Denning

1) Penulis buku biografi Lord Denning, Edmund Heward, telah memasukkan 'kehancuran' (disaster) yang dibuat oleh beliau di bawah topik 'Disaster'.

2) Kehancuran yang dibuat oleh Lord Denning adalah tentang isu 'perkauman'.

3) Pertamanya, menurut penulis yang juga bekas pegawai mahkamah, kes Mandla, seorang Sikh.

4) Keduanya, di dalam buku What Next in the Law, semasa dilancarkan pada 20.5.1982, penulis biografinya berkata: "Two passages in the book gave offennce to some who had come to England from overseas. One passage indicated that some of them were not suitable to serve on juries. Another that they were using the peremptory challenge so as to pack the jury with their sympathies."

5) Tekanan demi tekanan terhadap Lord Denning. Akhirnya melalui proses rundingcara antara peguamnya satu persefahaman telah dicapai.

6) Seterusnya, "The book was withdrawn and the offending passages removed."

7) Kehancuran (disaster) yang dibuat oleh Lord Denning tidak terhenti setakat ini.

8) Di dalam The Changing Law, Lord Denning berkata berkenaan "The Influence of Religion", "In primitive societies, the influence of religion on law was obvious, but it is not so obvious in modern societies." Seterusnya beliau berkata, "In primitive communities religion, morals and law were indistinguishably mixed together."

9) Tetapi dipenghujung buku yang diterbitkan pada 1953 itu beliau berkata, "Religion concerns the spirit in man whereby he is able to recognise what is truth and what is justice; where as law in only the application, however imperfectly, of truth and justice in our everyday affairs. If religion perishes in the land, truth and justice will also. We have already strayed too far from the faith of our fathers. Let us return to it, for it is the only thing that can save us."

10) Perhatikan percanggahan yang dibuat oleh hakim lagenda yang dikatakan genius dalam matematik, lojik dan penghakiman. Di satu tempat beliau mengatakan agama (religion) tidak penting. Dan di satu tempat lain beliau mengatakan ianya (agama) penting bahkah lebih penting dari undang-undang.

11) Ini adalah penting, samada undang-undang British benar-benar sekular atau diwarnai oleh agama.

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